♥♥ God opens millions of flowers without forcing the buds. It reminds us not to force anything for things happen in the right time!♥♥

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Obstacles,problems,solve and strong...

I ask for strong..Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong
I ask for wisdom..Allah gave me problem to solve
I ask for courage..Allah gave me obstacles to overcome
I ask for l0ve..Allah gave me troubled people to help
Maybe i received nothing i wanted..but i received everything i needed.....

# In very many cases, lost love isn't anyone's fault. It is just the way things go. We should never stop believing that the next time the feeling will be real and will finally last to the very end. We have no limit to the times that we can fall in love, and so although it's sad to lose love, each time we do, we should try to look at it as one more chance to find a better one. Insyaallah..



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