♥♥ God opens millions of flowers without forcing the buds. It reminds us not to force anything for things happen in the right time!♥♥

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Nak Bunga...Nak Bunga...Nak Mengada...hihi (^_^)


Akhir2 ni rs mmpunyai ms yang terluang untuk mencoretkan ape kat blog ni…

Ermmm…hari ni rs mcm nk ceritakan tentang keadaan di office yg menimbulkan kejelesan di c tu hihi
Hari ni ade staff, umo dlm 20an dapat bunga!! Muda lg tu kottt..haha…Wah jelesssnya sy…huhuhu

En Tunang sy tu bkn seorg yg nak romntik bagai mcm tu….But I understand tapi org pmpn kan…Msti ade jeles n rs nak jgk mcmtu…huhu…

Iam not romantic person but sometime want to feel romantic n feel loveee with the person I can’t live without….Romantic x? Hihihi…. Hope my fiancée will understand and express more his lovee to me without im saying anything… Hope soo...(^_^)

p/s: Kite sbg manusia kdg2 kene mmhmi keiginan org tu tnpa die luahkan pd die…baru die akan rs dihargai n disayangi kan…For me, that is simple thing… N I clearly understand man’s character. He can’t simply show his feeling. But the most important thing to me is I can see that he always try to change to his lovee one.

# And Im always feel grateful to have u in my life syyygggs ❤❤❤…

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